>>Miley recently did an interview with Cosas Magazine.
Miley Cyrus, from girl to woman.
COSAS: Friends often come from high school or college, Where do your friends come from?
MILEY: My dad always has been a singer, so I grew up on tour. When I got the Hannah Montana role I was in 6th grade and lived in Nashville; so I was used to it. When I wanted to enter to the intertainment industry -
COSAS: But, Where do your friends come from?
MILEY: Nashville is the capital of country music, a lot of my friends are singers or play musical instruments… by the fact that they are musicians, they are honest, that’s why I like that my friends are related to music.
COSAS: How is to grow up in the spotlight?
MILEY: I think that’s the worst part of being in the industry, to have your private life so public. Something I’d like to change, would be that. That’s why I like to be so honest with my music and that’s what I want to show to my fans. My private life is no one’s business, and even more when it involves your family.
COSAS: Do you think you’ve missed something?
MILEY: No, I travel a lot and do what I want to.
COSAS: Who are your role models in the indutry?
MILEY: My Godmother, Dolly Parton
COSAS: Dolly Parton? Not Lady Gaga, not Madonna?
MILEY: How can I admire someone who I don’t know in person?, They are incredible on a stage but I don’t know their hearts… I don’t know who they are.
COSAS: What can your fans expect of your concert?
MILEY: What I attempt to do is have fun and expect my fans to sing along. That is what I like the most about writing a song, fans singing along every song
Credit: Mileycyrus.bz
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