Miley vs. Internet

Miley: "Leute, bitte verbringt nicht zu viel Zeit
im Internet"!! "Es ist gefährlich und Ihr verschwendet
Eure Zeit & Leben"! "Verbringt doch bitte die Freizeit im Freien,
macht Sport, trefft Freunde usw. !!
On quitting Twitter:
I hate when I read things and celebrities are complaining like, ‘I have no personal life.’ I’m like, well that’s because you write everything that you’re doing ... I’d tweet, ‘I’m here,’ and I’d wonder why a thousand fans are outside the restaurant. Well, hello, I just told them. So I’m just, like, kind of thinking doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Everything I’m saying is not really going with what I’m putting on the internet."
On chatting on the internet vs. hanging out in person Miley says:
“I just think it’s kind of lame. I feel like I hang out with my friends and they’re so busy taking pictures of what they’re doing and putting them on Facebook that they’re not really enjoying what they’re doing. You’re going to look back and have a million pictures, but you’re not going to be in any of them. Because you’re not having fun, you’re too busy clicking away. So I think just enjoy the moment you’re in, and stop telling people about it. Just enjoy it ... I’m telling kids, don’t go on the internet, it’s dangerous, it’s not fun, it wastes your life, and you should be outside playing sports or something.”
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